Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chocolate Raspberry Brownies

Speaking of chocolate raspberry combos – for Mother’s Day/Mom’s birthday (she’s cursed with a birthday near a holiday as well) this year, I did a slightly different take on the ganache cake she begs for.
And this one is easy peasy – forget that flourless cake nonsense. This one may not be as elegant, but it’s certainly yummy.
All you need is the ganache recipe from earlier, a jar of SEEDLESS raspberry jam (oh alright, if you’re okay with seeds you can get the kind with seeds, but ew) and a box of your favorite brownie mix. Or brownies from scratch, but man that takes a lot more work.
Make the brownies to the package directions and get them in the pan. Heat up some of the jam to get it “pourable” – half the jar or so. Pour or spoon it on top of the brownies in lines across the the pan (the short side if you're using a rectangular pan, either way if it's square)
Then take a knife and drag the tip through the jam and brownie mixture the long way/perpendicular to the lines of jam so you're dragging the jam from line of jam through line of jam, swirling the jam along the top. Does that make any sense? I tried to draw diagrams for you, but couldn't get my photos in here and got frustrated and gave up.

Bake according to package directions.
While the brownies are baking, you can make the ganache. Adding raspberry liqueur here is up to you – I don’t typically as I find the jam makes it raspberry enough.


Unknown said...

HEAVEN. I think Heaven must have this on the menu. No kidding.

Quinn said...

Ditto Toni, ditto.